"You never see that neck pinch coming at you in the dark do you?"
Please let us explain. Give your dog a complete half-Vulcan, half-Human makeover with the Star Trek The Original Series Spock Dog Hoodie with plush embroidered ears and printed hair on the hood! How cool is that?!!
This super comfortable sweatshirt features an embroidered braid insignia on the sleeves with contrasting ribbed trim and a printed Science insignia on the chest. In other words, everything your beloved dog would need for a Leonard Nimoy transformation is right here and he won't dog you about it either (oops)!
Small size is recommended for Chihuahua, Daschund, Tribbles and Maltese dog types.
Medium size is recommended for Pug, Beagle, Chekov and Jack Russell Terrier dog types.
Large size is recommended for Border Collie, Tibetan Terrier, Klingons and Bulldog dog types.
X-Large size is recommended for Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever, Hortas and standard Poodle dog types.
Finally, XX-Large size is recommend for Bloodhounds, Greyhounds, pregnant Hortas and German Shepard dog types.